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Product #Set_7-1

Oberammergau nativity set

Artfully carved Oberammergau nativity set from Bavaria of the original ALBL nativity scene. All lovingly designed nativity figurines for the indoor nativity set are carved from 4.75 inch maple wood, such as the baby Jesus in the manger, Mary and Joseph, the shepherds with their animals, ox and donkey in the stable and the angels.

The figurines are created by the Bavarian carvers in and around Oberammergau. The unique ALBL small nativity set was handmade according to the old vintage motifs of the grandfathers and under the influence of traditional nativity figures from the Alpine region in Germany, Austria and Italy. 

This indoor beautiful nativity set consists in detail of the Holy Family #1 – #3, with Mary and Joseph and the baby Jesus in the manger, the ox #4, the donkey #5, the comet #9, the three wise men #6  – #8, two little angels #32, #34 a shepherd #22 with sheep #49 and lamb #51 as well as the stable 7. The set can be expanded at any time with the nativity figurines of the corresponding size.

The stable size is 19 x 9 x 9 inch.

incl. MwSt./VAT
plus Shipping costs
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